Saturday, 22 August 2015

Inside Out

Saturday 22nd August at 17:10

Who is the leader in your mind?

I had heard many reviews about how "Inside Out" was Pixar's greatest achievement since Toy Story 3, this was a big claim for it to live up to.

We are introduced to Riley on her very first day on this mortal coil, and Joy is introduced into her mind as she lays eyes on her mother and father.  It is then the key role of Joy to bring happiness to Riley for the rest of her life.  Suddenly she starts to cry, as Joy turns, another fellow has joined her in the main HQ, Sadness.  As her life progresses, other head quarter personnel appear, Anger, Disgust and Fear all with their respective characteristics.

This was a great look into how a mind functions from a creative point of view.  Riley's mother's mind is lead by Sadness, her Dad's by Anger.  The leader of each mind is indicative of the main personality trait of the human, but each emotion has an integral part to play.

The adventure begins when Joy is separated from the Main HQ and put into the reserves with Sadness, they must find a way back before everything goes wrong for Riley.

When Clare and I left the cinema we started to talk about which emotion was prominent in our minds, mine obviously Joy.  This is how films should be, you leave with a thought about the film, applying it to real life, understanding how the mind works by simple measures.  Inside Out is a very clever film, but lacking in the laughs of previous Pixar films.  There were a few smirks, giggles and one possible chortle, but no belly laughs or guffaw's.

Beautiful with colour and vibrancy this is everything a Pixar Movie should be, far better than some of the recent releases but far from the Toy Story or Up status.  The beginning sequence of Up is one of the best opening sequences in film history.

I am unsure how kids will take this film with it's neurological substance, but as it looks colourful and has great, entertaining characters I can see it getting away with it.

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