Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Monty Python and The Holy Grail

Wednesday 14th October 2015: 20:00 - Bolton

And there was much rejoicing.....

I have always been a fan of Monty Python (last year being a real highlight), and The Holy Grail is a highly quoted film within the cousin community (especially with Bro and Cousin Gill), so imagine how happy I was when Cineworld Bolton announced that they would be showing the sing along version of The Holy Grail.

There is no point me reviewing this film as it is a classic comedy that even if you haven't seen it, you will no doubt know some of the quotes from the film, as there are that many.

I was joined in the audience by a select few (about 30 people) of Python Fans, one who had a guffaw laugh and would preempt each scene with a subtle chortle knowing what lay ahead and then a huge belly laugh at every punchline....annoying as this may sound, it purely added to the whole experience.  Knowing that the silly humour is still great to this day, even though a little outdated and nostalgic.

There were no audience members under the age of 35 though, which is a sad thing.  Are the younger generation discounting Monty Python as just a bunch of fuddy duddy old dudes and regarding them as out-of-touch...or am I reading too much into this?

My one gripe is with Cineworld Bolton themselves.  The subtitles and lyrics where not displayed correctly...or at all, as they were cut from the bottom of the screen.  I knew they were there because you could just see the tops of the letters, but that was it.  One of the initial jokes is to do with the "people responsible for the subtitles being sacked" but as the previous subtitles where not clearly seen this was just a nostalgic giggle for those that remembered what they actually said from previous home viewings.

Great to see The Holy Grail on the big screen

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