Saturday, 5 September 2015

No Escape

5th September 2015 - 20:45 - Leigh

Clare and I went to Tunisia back in 2013, mainly to go visit the set of Star Wars, but also to have a little holiday.  Whilst there, on one of our excursions we found ourselves in the middle of a full scale riot in the centre of town.  Luckily, the local shop keepers provided refuge until our taxi driving saviour appeared.  We later found out, whilst under house arrest at our hotel, that a state official had been assassinated and the locals were out for blood!

Also, a week after we had come back from Carnack Temple in Egypt, four lunatics had decided to try to level the temple using C4.  Luckily, we were safe at home and the security had put a stop to their ploy before any damage could be done.

The reason I mention these events is down to the fact that after watching "No Escape", I am not going on holiday again!

Owen Wilson and his family are relocating to a country called Asia (the country is never fully disclosed and referred to as Asia in every conversation) due to the water company he is working for expanding into the province.  On arrival he notices that his mobile phone, land line telephone, television, internet and all forms of communication seem to be down.  Thinking this is just down to them moving to a 4th world country, they put it to the back of their mind and carry on hoping things will be better in the morning.  Jack (Owen Wilson) goes to the local market to see if he can get a paper when the atmosphere in the town changes.  With masked rioters on one side and armed police on the other, he races back to the hotel to protect his wife and 2 daughters, only to notice that the rebels are killing tourists.  What follows is 2 hours of intense, nerve shredding and nail biting tension.

There are no subtitles in the film, so your understanding of what is happening only comes as Owen Wilson and his family get a vague idea.  There seems no escape for the family, no pun intended, and with current events happening in the world today, this seems as though this could happen in any city anywhere and anytime.

I thoroughly enjoyed No Escape, Owen Wilson was very good, his two kids (although not very well scripted) added a great amount on tension in two very memorable scenes and Pierce Brosnan as the retired old James Bond, was great as a tension relief but also as the one bit of resilience.

Disclaimer: I know I said at the start that I am not going on holiday again....i will be

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