Sunday 5th July - 12:10pm - Bolton
I had seen Magic Mike a few years ago at the request of my lovely wife Clare. Thinking it would be the female equivalent of Showgirls I was not expecting much. Believe me, the delight that we both watched that night surprised us both. Very funny, great characters, well acted and Channing Tatum! oh and lots of Abs and Pecks and Gluts!Upon seeing the trailer for Magic Mike XXL I was a little concerned that the magic from the first film would not carry over. Did Channing still have it? With Dallas (McConaughey) and the Kid not returning for this one, could the rest of the cast support? And with there being such a great story line (I'm not joking) in the first one, would the second outing have enough interest?
Mike XXL had some great moments in it similar to the original, when the gang are just sat around talking, they are entertaining enough to listen to, the Queen Dance off raised a smile and the moves in Mrs Pinkett-Smith's house forced two old ladies in the cinema to leave in disgust.
It is still entertaining but nowhere near the original, and maybe a few years too late to capture on the hype of the original. I heard a few male chortles for further back in the cinema so there were other gentlemen enjoying the show as well as me, so don't be shy...although going on your own may raise an eyebrow or two.
One last little highlight for me was hearing John Williams' Duel of the Fates (The Darth Maul music from The Phantom Menace) being used as one of the stripping song, there is hope for us geeks!
Clare commented as we were leaving that is was quite raunchy and there were a few scenes to which she felt slightly embarrassed as leather clad hunks gyrate, grind and provocatively gesture to their adoring lady fans.
That being said, for us mere mortal men, I did feel the need to go to the gym right after this film as my six pack is still a work in progress....a long way off! and Mr Tatum can seriously move!
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