Friday, 23 January 2015

American Sniper

Cineworld Leigh: 23rd January 2015

American Sniper

I had not seen any trailers or information regarding this film, with our Amsterdam holiday and generally being busy we had not been to the cinema for a couple of weeks, so I knew nothing much at all.

Based on the biography of Chris Kyle (the Legend), a celebrated was hero and sniper elite over four tours of duty who seemingly struggled to leave the war and brothers behind whilst at home with his wife and family.

Directed by Clint Eastwood, who seemingly does not know how to cut a script down, I thought American Sniper was an entertaining film, but many sections dragged out more than they should have.  Bradley Cooper thankfully leaves the increasingly worse Hangover films behind him and proves he is a worthy actor, with American Hustle last year and American Sniper this year his acting prowess is improving, and I await the next Bradley Cooper film with "American" in the title.

There were a couple of sections in the film that really didn't sit well with me, one being an ambush during a sand storm near the climax of the film.  As the sand storm hit (and I know Clint was going for the effect of how difficult it was to see in the storm.) 5 minutes of gritty sandy film were nothing was clear at all was more annoying than engaging.

I like a few of Clint Eastwood Directorial films, but American Sniper just didn't hit the mark, it was ok, but just plodded by for a few hours.

I don't think it needs much analysing or critique as there doesn't seem much to the film.  He is truly an America hero, but the English in me just doesn't really get the glowing patriotism

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